Schaubude Berlin - Home


These shows were last produced by Schaubude Berlin in cooperation with freelance artists and ensembles:

Fanny und Alexander, Foto: Zé de Paiva, Kathleen Kunath
1/0/1 robots - Szenenbild. Foto: Kathleen Kunath
Was bleibt. Archiv der erzählenden Dinge von Agencia EL SOLAR und Anya Deubel, Foto: Moritz Gleiser
¡ver-rückt! Versuche zu Chaos, Fliegen und Maschinen, Foto: Jara López Ballonga
SANS PAPIERS von gbr für unerhörte dine, Foto: Gianmarco Bresadola
Danish Pork von Søgaard/Barthel/Glöckler, Visual: Jana Barthel
Haus Nr. 69 von Josephine Hock, Foto: Benjamin Drexler
Sense. Wir nähern uns dem Ende, Foto: Ulrike Langenbein
A.L.I.C.E. Lost in Cyberland von meinhardt & krauss, Still aus dem Trailer

Season 2023/24
Bear. A witness reports
Season 2021/22
Fanny & Alexander

Season 2020/21
1/0/1 robots – hacking the binary code
The Dystopian Salon #14: meet me in paradise

Season 2019/20
¡ca-razy! Attempts at chaos, flying and machines
Was bleibt. (What remains.)

Co-productions 2023/24
Alessandro Maggioni und Magali Tosato, Berlin: Dance In the Machinery

Co-productions 2022/23
OutOfTheBox, Berlin: BREAKDOWN – (post)digital communities in the independent scene

Co-productions 2021/22
Tibo Gebert, Berlin: Hero
companie toit végétal, Velbert: The man who wanted to be a flower
Artisanen, Berlin: The animals of Farthing Wood

Co-productions 2020/21
KREATUR, Berlin: Creatures Hill
Larissa Jenne & Salomé Klein, Berlin: 7 Metamorphoses
PRAGMATA, Berlin: Gute Nacht
gbr für unerhörte dinge: sans papiers
Die Neue Kompanie, Hamburg: GRUSEL GRUSEL
Søgaard/Barthel/Glöckler, Berlin: Danish Pork
Josephine Hock: Haus Nr. 69
meinhardt & krauss: A.L.I.C.E. Lost in Cyberland

Co-productions 2019/20
Anna Kpok: Shell Game
manufaktor, Berlin: Rehearsing Mwange/Becker
Thieme/Kratochwil/Misotis, Berlin: Sense. We Are Nearing the End
Dekoltas Handwerk: IMPRINT [imagine absence]

In the Schaubude Berlin’s window, an animals’ spirit is stretched to dry in a frame. Displayed  in the ancestral method of skinning an animal, this sculpture wants to create a relation between the animal we are using – as food, clothes, transport – …
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Here is a PDF download of the statement by the children's and youth theatres addressed to Berlin's politicians, of which we are signatories. It describes what is needed so that the city's children's and youth theatres can continue to operate in …
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