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Tickets can be purchased online at You can reach our ticketing department Tuesday to Friday, 10:00 to 13:00 by telephone on 030 4234314. The box office opens one hour before the start of each performance.

At the moment, tickets for evening or weekend performances can only be purchased online: in our ticket shop or via the direct ticket links in the schedule on our website. Information on prices and ticket links can also be found on the individual production pages. During the booking process, you can select the different price categories (adult, reduced, child, tax card for theatre colleagues, solidarity ticket).

Reservations are only possible for daycare centres and schools on 030 4234 314 or

Remaining tickets can be purchased on site at the box office from 60 minutes before the performance begins. Berechtigungsnachweis holders can also purchase remaining tickets online for 3 euros plus service fee from 24 hours before the performance begins.

If you need assistance with your ticket purchase, please contact us by e-mail at or by telephone on 030 4234 314.

Ticket prices and discounts

The currently valid ticket prices can be found in our schedule.

When purchasing through the Schaubude Berlin online shop or at advance booking offices, advance booking and system fees may apply.


Upon presentation of a relevant ID or other evidence, Schaubude Berlin offers discounts to schoolchildren, students, trainees, federal voluntary service providers, pensioners, severely disabled people, holders of the Berechtigungsnachweis and job seekers, both at the box office and upon admission for tickets purchased online. People with disabilities who are dependent on an escort (marked with a “B” in the severe disability ID card) will receive a discounted ticket for themselves and their escort.

Students of the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts are entitled to a reduced ticket price of 6 euros. Registration at

JugendKulturService and Theater der Schulen

Discount coupons from the JugendKulturService (Youth Culture Service) and Theater der Schulen (School Theatres) are only taken into account via our theatre office. The provisions of the JugendKulturService and Theater der Schulen apply.


24 h before the show takes place or later, holders of the Berechtigunsnachweis can book discounted online tickets (€ 3.) for all performances, provided that free seats are still available. Please present proof of the BerlinPass at the theatre.


Special conditions apply to groups of 10 or more people.

In the Schaubude Berlin’s window, an animals’ spirit is stretched to dry in a frame. Displayed  in the ancestral method of skinning an animal, this sculpture wants to create a relation between the animal we are using – as food, clothes, transport – …
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Here is a PDF download of the statement by the children's and youth theatres addressed to Berlin's politicians, of which we are signatories. It describes what is needed so that the city's children's and youth theatres can continue to operate in …
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