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The Discrimination Critical Code of Conduct of Schaubude Berlin

Values and Goals

We, the team of Schaubude Berlin, acknowledge societal diversity and reject every form of discrimination. We advocate dealing with each other in a respectful manner and want to create a working environment that is free from fear. We expect that our colleagues, artists, working partners, participants in projects and visitors treat each other in an appreciative manner. At the same time, we take on the responsibility for actively protecting formally employed and freelance colleagues and artists from discrimination within the workplace context.

Using the tools of art and in our work as a producing institution, we would like to dedicate ourselves to a fair, equitable, democratic and solidary way of working with each other. The goal is to understand and recognize diversity as an asset. As a result, we are working to present the diversity of our society within our schedule of programming and within our structures.

In order to achieve these goals, we are prepared to recognize our involvement in discriminating structures. We currently find ourselves within a process of reflecting upon our institution and our actions both through internal exchange as well as with external support. This code of conduct is an additional step along this path.


Discriminating behavior is understood to mean comments, actions and gestures that disadvantage, devalue or disparage a person on the basis of their gender, gender identity or gender expression, due to a physical or mental disability, due to external and/or (alleged) culture characteristics, their name, ethnic background, socioeconomic background, their religion or worldview, their age, their sexual orientation or sexual identity. Multiple characteristics can also be addressed at the same time. What is critical for a clarification by the institution and/or a complaint is that the person thus affected feels discriminated against.

Our Commitment

We will refrain from any form of discrimination and conduct ourselves in such a manner to ensure a respectful working environment. We will refrain from all forms of abuse and will actively intervene if we are witnesses to discrimination, the abuse of power or inappropriate behavior. We will address this directly, intervene for the affected person(s) in the event of discrimination and orient our actions to their needs over the further course of actions.

We will deal responsibility with the power entrusted to us, will refrain from exploiting dependency relationships and will utilize our privileges in a manner that is critical of discrimination. We reflect continuously upon our own scopes of action and make an effort to implement organizational structures that are sensitive to discrimination.

We communicate clearly and unambiguously, openly address conflicts and endeavor to resolve them fairly. We are aware that our behavior can have a different effect upon other people than was intended. We will deal with this awareness in an empathetic and responsible manner.

Measures for Implementation

 A discrimination critical further education measure will be arranged for the team and realized on an annual basis.

We are actively working on the diversification of our schedule of programming and are increasingly searching for collaborations with artists who speak from marginalized perspectives.

In the future, we would also like to have the societal diversity of Berlin represented within our permanent core team. We are further developing our recruiting measures for this purpose in order to be able to reach the widest possible spectrum of applicants.

We have consciously made the decision to work with cooperation and working partners who have the same goals.

We are looking for networking opportunities with the advocacy groups for marginalized communities and alliances.

Over the course of our open calls and collection of information for drafting contracts, we encourage our contact partners to inform us of their preferred pronouns.

We endeavor to use gender-appropriate and gender-sensitive language.

We work continuously to remove physical, media-based and communication-based barriers to access. We are currently working to ensure that we continuously offer specific programming for blind and visually impaired audience members within our schedule of programming.

Contact Partners In the Event of Violations Against This Code

Those who are affected by violations against this code of conduct or whom observe a violation can confidentially speak with the following contact partners:

Contact partners at Schaubude Berlin:

Almut Wedekind
030 41723910

Werner Wallner
0160 7862295

The contact persons at Schaubude Berlin will respond to every notification and will discuss further actions and measures in direct conversation with those affected.

Beschwerdestelle gem. § 13 AGG der Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH

Janina Mielke
0049 30 24749 - 719

Clemens Poser
0049 30 24749 754

Scope of Application

This code of conduct is valid for everyone working at Schaubude Berlin as well as for artists, visitors and service providers.


Values and Goals

We, the team of Schaubude Berlin, acknowledge societal diversity and reject every form of discrimination. We advocate dealing with each other in a respectful manner and want to create a working environment that is free from fear. We expect that our colleagues, artists, working partners, participants in projects and visitors treat each other in an appreciative manner. At the same time, we take on the responsibility for actively protecting formally employed and freelance colleagues and artists from discrimination within the workplace context.

Using the tools of art and in our work as a producing institution, we would like to dedicate ourselves to a fair, equitable, democratic and solidary way of working with each other. The goal is to understand and recognize diversity as an asset. As a result, we are working to present the diversity of our society within our schedule of programming and within our structures.

In order to achieve these goals, we are prepared to recognize our involvement in discriminating structures. We currently find ourselves within a process of reflecting upon our institution and our actions both through internal exchange as well as with external support. This code of conduct is an additional step along this path.


Discriminating behavior is understood to mean comments, actions and gestures that disadvantage, devalue or disparage a person on the basis of their gender, gender identity or gender expression, due to a physical or mental disability, due to external and/or (alleged) culture characteristics, their name, ethnic background, socioeconomic background, their religion or worldview, their age, their sexual orientation or sexual identity. Multiple characteristics can also be addressed at the same time. What is critical for a clarification by the institution and/or a complaint is that the person thus affected feels discriminated against.

Our Commitment

We will refrain from any form of discrimination and conduct ourselves in such a manner to ensure a respectful working environment. We will refrain from all forms of abuse and will actively intervene if we are witnesses to discrimination, the abuse of power or inappropriate behavior. We will address this directly, intervene for the affected person(s) in the event of discrimination and orient our actions to their needs over the further course of actions.

We will deal responsibility with the power entrusted to us, will refrain from exploiting dependency relationships and will utilize our privileges in a manner that is critical of discrimination. We reflect continuously upon our own scopes of action and make an effort to implement organizational structures that are sensitive to discrimination.

We communicate clearly and unambiguously, openly address conflicts and endeavor to resolve them fairly. We are aware that our behavior can have a different effect upon other people than was intended. We will deal with this awareness in an empathetic and responsible manner.

Measures for Implementation

All team members take part in at least one discrimination critical workshop every year.

We are actively working on the diversification of our schedule of programming and are increasingly searching for collaborations with artists who speak from marginalized perspectives.

In the future, we would also like to have the societal diversity of Berlin represented within our permanent core team. We are further developing our recruiting measures for this purpose in order to be able to reach the widest possible spectrum of applicants.

We have consciously made the decision to work with cooperation and working partners who have the same goals.

We are looking for networking opportunities with the advocacy groups for marginalized communities and alliances.

Over the course of our open calls and collection of information for drafting contracts, we encourage our contact partners to inform us of their preferred pronouns.

We endeavor to use gender-appropriate and gender-sensitive language.

We work continuously to remove physical, media-based and communication-based barriers to access. We are currently working to ensure that we continuously offer specific programming for blind and visually impaired audience members within our schedule of programming.

Contact Partners in the Event of Violations Against This Code

Those who are affected by violations against this code of conduct or whom observe a violation can confidentially speak with the following contact partners:

Contact partners at Schaubude Berlin:

Susann Tamoszus
0049 30 206416894

Werner Wallner
0160 7862295

The contact persons at Schaubude Berlin will respond to every notification and will discuss further actions and measures in direct conversation with those affected.

AGG-Beschwerdestelle (Complaints Office) in accordance with § 13 AGG (German General Equal Treatment Act) of Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH

Uta Belitz
0049 30 24749718

Clemens Poser
0049 30 24749754

Scope of Application

This code of conduct is valid for everyone working at Schaubude Berlin as well as for artists, visitors and service providers.

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