Schaubude Berlin - Home



Together with FITZ Stuttgart and Westflügel Leipzig we are part of the Alliance of International Production Centres for Figure Theatre.

T-Werk Potsdam

Theater Salz+Pfeffer Nuremberg


Die Vielen

Fidena – Deutsches Forum für Figurentheater und Puppenspielkunst, Bochum

Bundesnetzwerk flausen+

LAFT Berlin, AG Puppen- und Figurentheater

Performing Arts Programm Berlin

TUSCH – Theater und Schule

TUKI – Theater und Kita

Arbeitskreis der Berliner Kinder- und Jugendtheater (Working Group of Berlin Children's and Youth Theatres)

Educational institutions & collaborations

Hochschule für Schauspielkunst »Ernst Busch« Berlin, Department for Contemporary Puppetry & MA Spiel und Objekt

Humboldthain-Grundschule, Berlin-Wedding (TUSCH)

Erika-Mann-Grundschule, Berlin-Wedding

FRÖBEL-Kindergarten Freudenberg, Berlin-Friedrichshain (TUKI Tandem)

international literature festival berlin

Offensive Kulturbus

Regular supporters:

Institut Ramon Llull

Institut français


Schaubude Berlin is member of Berlin Bühnen

In the Schaubude Berlin’s window, an animals’ spirit is stretched to dry in a frame. Displayed  in the ancestral method of skinning an animal, this sculpture wants to create a relation between the animal we are using – as food, clothes, transport – …
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Here is a PDF download of the statement by the children's and youth theatres addressed to Berlin's politicians, of which we are signatories. It describes what is needed so that the city's children's and youth theatres can continue to operate in …
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